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Certification Options to Address Teacher ShortagesIn response to the on-going teacher shortage, the State Education Department has made several revisions to existing regulations to provide flexibility regarding hiring individuals for positions that would otherwise go unfilled. This Fact Sheet provides a summary of these changes, a recap of other certification flexibility options, as well as an overview of the residency certificate/residency program, and apprenticeship programs.
How to Become a Teacher in New York StateTake a Look at Teaching is a union-led initiative to develop a robust, statewide educator pipeline in New York. NYSUT is focused on improving diversity in the education workforce; increasing the number of students and career changers entering the profession; elevating the teaching profession in professional and public discourse; and expanding P-12, Higher Ed, and community partnerships in order to enhance teacher recruitment and support aspiring and early career educators.
Certification required training by April 1, 2025,
New York State Office of Children and Family Services is offering FREE two-hour web-based online Mandated Reporter Training. This web-based training can be accessed at any time by visiting